W hat if you made one disciple a year for the rest of your life?
And what if you could equip each of those disciples to make disciple-making disciples?
Is that even possible? Or did we just enter lala land?
I believe that by God’s grace, not only is it possible but it should be the overarching ambition of our lives!
You’ll soon be receiving a series of emails from me (about once a week) that will explore the answer to these questions biblically and practically.
I pray that I will be able to serve you and help you become a more fruitful disciple maker. I want to encourage you to open those emails and take action. You can unsubscribe anytime if you find my emails are not helpful, but as long as you’re receiving them, you might as well get the most out of them.
But before we take another step, answer this question:
In the comment box below, please share what kind of help you need to see in the upcoming emails from me as you labor to make disciples. What are the biggest obstacles or topics that need to be addressed?